Tech Connect Live! 2022 Wrap up w/ Sam from TheBlindLife
Join Cory and Luke in welcoming Sam from TheBlindLife to this 2022 AT Tech wrap up presented by The Vision Forward Association.
11:04:26 Welcome to vision forwards, tech Connect, live, connecting you to the world of assistive technology.
11:04:33 And now here your hosts, Corey and Luke 11:04:46 Hello, everybody. Hopefully. You can hear me I'm starting the show from Youtube, but Hopefully, we have this rectified now that We'll check the Second Button. 11:04:54 There. Oh, yeah, I gotta go. Yeah, I accidentally bumped it. 11:04:56 I think, Hello, everybody. Hello, it's a smooth sailing. 11:05:00 It's perfectly smooth sailing. We've had a very smooth morning, everything working properly. Everything going great. 11:05:05 Yes, everybody else, is having a lovely morning it is just December, believe it or not end of the year We're, gonna get a concert, this morning. 11:05:17 Yeah something like that very chorusy, who is that who is our song by calling? 11:05:21 I do not know. I I apologize it's from a movie. I think, though believe it's not. 11:05:27 I'm walking out there and never, yeah, I would. The greatest American hero. 11:05:31 Yeah, it. Yeah. That was that was that producer, Jonathan that you heard in the but he's he's the man with, the with the computer, if you have any questions about, anything he would Be happy to answer them at any point during this, yes, absolutely anything yeah, that's, not managing doesn't 11:05:45 matter especially if it's not related to assistive technology, right any general knowledge, any eightys, music, movies, soundtrack, he is your man, indeed, anyway, that's what i'm saying hope everybody is having a great day, today, and I think you will all agree that this year, has absolutely flown 11:06:02 by as they, as they usually tend to do, especially as you get older, so they say, yeah, it's it's been a year from assistive technology, I'm not gonna say it's been a fantastic, year, because we were, coming up, with a list, of things, corey, and I yesterday, things. 11:06:19 That we could talk, about, and yeah, we didn't necessarily, you know. 11:06:22 Come up with that many, I'm not sure how many things released this year, but luckily for us, we have the man himself, the legend, the legend of Myth He's not a Miss cause. I mean he's actually like, right here so Wow, yeah, maybe this is his time. 11:06:36 To prove we have some Cv from the blind life. Hello, Sam. 11:06:46 Yeah yep, shoot. 11:06:42 Hello, guys, thank you very much for having me. I have a quick question for Jonathan. Who who's that scary guy over Luke's right shoulder in the background, They're standing on menacing 11:06:54 Yeah, that's actually me. I don't move my I've been wearing this all gray uniform several months. 11:07:05 Yes, very ambiguous 11:07:10 Well, that's fantastic 11:07:03 Yeah, you. Also, look somewhat cubeoid almost yeah, yeah, that's actually, more of a stance thing, okay, yeah, so as you can, see, Johnson is a little bit. 11:07:14 Strange, but see, he does a great job. He does a great job. 11:07:18 Thank you for coming on some. It's always a pleasure. 11:07:20 I was looking back to my Text messages to you and the last one I sent you was September of of last year, when I said, Hey, Sam, are you connecting to the meeting sir I'm guessing that must be the last time that we are on the show it's always nice. 11:07:32 We don't, text, we we email much more often than that. 11:07:34 To get this is very true. This is this is very true. 11:07:34 But we don't text. I guess. 11:07:37 But yes, so I think you must have come on last year. 11:07:40 Just a little bit before this, and I think we must have had an end of year rapid blast. 11:07:45 You as well, but my memory is a little. Thing. I think we did. 11:07:48 Honestly, and and but yeah, I don't remember what we did, last September I don't know them bullshit, that might have been I don't remember either. 11:07:54 Yeah, but anyway, it's very nice to have you here and today we're going to be talking about assistive technology, that we have seen this year and that you know and what we thought of it basically and Sam, I did send you a list but it was only yesterday, I'm not sure if you had a chance, to take a look 11:08:09 Over that. But those were some of the things that we that we thought of 11:08:18 No no 11:08:12 Yeah, I did and and You're absolutely right. It wasn't the most stellar year for at especially like new products and stuff. But there's some things on that we can kinda chat, about 11:08:23 Yeah, nothing. That's something with a very short short show, or like, yeah, nothing. 11:07:05 Yes, very ambiguous 11:07:10 Well, that's fantastic 11:07:03 Yeah, you. Also, look somewhat cubeoid almost yeah, yeah, that's actually, more of a stance thing, okay, yeah, so as you can, see, Johnson is a little bit. 11:07:14 Strange, but see, he does a great job. He does a great job. 11:07:18 Thank you for coming on some. It's always a pleasure. 11:07:20 I was looking back to my Text messages to you and the last one I sent you was September of of last year, when I said, Hey, Sam, are you connecting to the meeting sir I'm guessing that must be the last time that we are on the show it's always nice. 11:07:32 We don't, text, we we email much more often than that. 11:07:34 To get this is very true. This is this is very true. 11:07:34 But we don't text. I guess. 11:07:37 But yes, so I think you must have come on last year. 11:07:40 Just a little bit before this, and I think we must have had an end of year rapid blast. 11:07:45 You as well, but my memory is a little. Thing. I think we did. 11:07:48 Honestly, and and but yeah, I don't remember what we did, last September I don't know them bullshit, that might have been I don't remember either. 11:07:54 Yeah, but anyway, it's very nice to have you here and today we're going to be talking about assistive technology, that we have seen this year and that you know and what we thought of it basically and Sam, I did send you a list but it was only yesterday, I'm not sure if you had a chance, to take a look 11:08:09 Over that. But those were some of the things that we that we thought of 11:08:18 No no 11:08:12 Yeah, I did and and You're absolutely right. It wasn't the most stellar year for at especially like new products and stuff. But there's some things on that we can kinda chat, about 11:08:23 Yeah, nothing. That's something with a very short short show, or like, yeah, nothing. 11:08:28 Exciting thanks guys, see you in 2,02023, or 23. 11:08:34 See how it costs exactly. But yes, in the meantime, before we get started some. 11:08:38 And you you may all be already be aware of this. We like to do a joke. 11:08:43 Okay. Now, of course, I didn't warn you that that this is the case, but we didn't prepare a joke. 11:08:50 Because we were too busy. I think my son, my my son, yeah, who was come up with a number of jokes okay, came up with one this week. 11:09:00 Yes, I want so I don't have one. 11:09:02 So here's the deal. We do have at least one joke in the chat here. 11:09:05 So we're gonna start with that, one, then we're going to give some an opportunity. 11:09:08 If he has a joke, if you don't son, that's hopefully fine, I know. 11:09:09 Oh Gosh, alright. 11:09:12 And then, and then we will move on to to Corey on this joke. 11:09:15 Here, so from the Chat, from Pola. Thank you, Paula, Bailey I believe in Philadelphia, I did. Yeah. Tues Tues Tuesday when Tuesday from Paula. 11:09:28 What do you call a kid who does not believe in sensor it's bad well, yeah, that's very true. 11:09:37 Giftless, I don't know giftless. 11:09:41 Yeah, and anybody else have any idea I don't know. 11:09:45 If you have seen the answer already in the chat there but 11:09:47 One of these conspiracy, theorists 11:09:51 Very good. The The answer is a rebel without a clause. 11:09:55 Clause, want why 11:09:59 Call me that is this one very good, very good. Since I use that forget no, it's all part in the fun. 11:10:26 It's all part of 11:10:26 Well, yeah, I'll give you my my kind of Goto favorite blind joke, 11:10:30 Okay. Great. Alright. 11:10:31 It's it's kind of an old one, so you might have heard it before. 11:10:33 Okay. 11:10:34 But why don't more blind people skydive 11:10:38 Oh, I know the answer, I won't say anything. I don't know. The answer. 11:10:44 I don't think I've got this one before. 11:10:41 Yeah, yeah, it's a goody. 11:10:44 It's a good skydive, Jonathan any ideas well, why don't more of them? 11:10:51 Why don't more cause some people. Do. But why don't more 11:10:52 Let me. Ask. Yeah, sure. Yeah, I'm trying to think if there's any puns with skydiving terminology. 11:11:00 But I'm I'm coming up Blank here, so unfortunately we found a gap in my knowledge. 11:11:04 Okay, well, son, why don't you tell us 11:11:06 Because It Scares, the Heck out of the Dogs. 11:11:16 Yeah, don't give me the Walmart 11:11:11 Alright, Alright. Here we go one before that's actually a really? 11:11:20 Yeah, it's not bad. 11:11:21 Good, yeah, very, good. okay. And for call, me, then, call me so my son tends to make up risque jokes, a little bit. 11:11:30 Nice 11:11:31 So I'm going to apologize this one's he's 11 years, old, this one he came up with and it's it's not too bad. 11:11:38 Okay. What do they call the back of Mount Russmore 11:11:43 It's funny already. 11:11:46 What do they call the back of Mount Ruts? That's gonna be the rear end of those people, signed up. 11:11:50 Yeah, has something to do with that, it's knowing it's an 11 year, old. 11:11:56 Son. Yeah, the answer, yeah is mount cracksborne 11:12:02 Nice nice 11:12:02 That's a very good. 11. Yeah, he. Oh, he thought it was just the best that's ever mental. And this one, I assume, he made up himself core. 11:12:11 He told me he did yeah, because I think your son has got an excellent future in writing jokes for crackers. 11:12:14 Yeah, absolutely 11:12:15 Actually do you guys have crackers here, like cookies, you mean, no, no, no. 11:12:19 Okay, so in England, we have a tradition at Christmas. We have things called crackers. 11:12:23 If anybody has enjoyed crackers, please put it into the Chamber. 11:12:26 I mean, when you say, crack is it up, brand or no actual it's it's like season crackers. 11:12:30 Like a Party favor. 11:12:32 No, not let it's like a type of gift, is it not? 11:12:35 It's like a rolled up. Yeah, it's a it's exactly. 11:12:35 Yeah, you pull it apart. 11:12:38 It's a it has an explosive in it. 11:12:45 Oh, yeah, no, I mean you pull it, apart and exploits it makes a cracking noise, and There's Usually a gift inside a paper like, ground, like extra paper crown and a little paper. Crown, and a little, yeah, yeah, yeah, so I think your son, has got a good, good. 11:12:59 And fun fun fact, that's that's the leading calls of blindness in the Uk. 11:13:03 Future, oh, it's crackers! You think they'd stop the tradition, but no, they are so much. Fun. 11:13:12 Okay, so very average jokes from everybody. So I would accept a Paul Paul's no actually sums is waiting okay, just in the chat here, let's See Alicia says a happy. 11:13:32 Yeah 11:13:30 Holiday, to each and every one of you. Thank you I appreciate it, and to you also. 11:13:34 I'm that song is from greatest American hero, thanks a lot Jonathan. 11:13:38 We had already found that out, but yeah, it seems that Alicia has owner power, as well on the knowledge so thank you very much. 11:13:44 I'm actually also Alicia Dave says a raven has 17 flight feathers. 11:13:52 They are called pinions. A crow has 16 flight, feathers. 11:13:56 Therefore the difference between a raven and a crow is a matter of opinion. 11:14:01 I didn't even know okay, now, if anybody. 11:14:13 Okay. Now, if anybody has any any point, please feel free to change the Chat, soon, our Joke corner hours. 11:14:28 Yeah 11:14:16 Now, turning into interesting fact, I'm totally fine, with that amber says in order in answer to our question, our joke about what necola Kid who does not believe in so, and that says an adult well, that's a fair point yeah, rudolph my son, they're, also, his big 11:14:34 Thing. He's. They want us to tell them about Santa Claus. 11:14:38 My kids, like, I want to know if he really yeah, and his reasoning was, he's like dad. 11:14:44 You got to tell me if San is real or not, because when I grow up and I have my own kids. 11:14:49 Yeah I don't want to be sitting with my kid. 11:14:51 The night, at Christmas. Yeah, thinking, Santa's coming, and then none of us. 11:14:56 So yeah, so he's basically like, I need to know whether to buy gifts for my children. 11:14:59 Yes, it was pretty good. Love. It's small, and then it just made me think of him as a dad sitting there, with his yeah, I thought it was pretty good. 11:15:12 Sam, you have you have kids, right but I believe they're teenage. Girls, is that right? 11:15:16 Or am I making this up 11:15:17 Now I know I have one. I have a daughter, and a son. 11:15:20 No, don't. Honestly okay. 11:15:21 My son is 24, and my daughter is 17 11:15:23 Okay. Excellent. And to do either then still, believe in something. 11:15:29 Okay. 11:15:32 Obviously, right? 11:15:27 No, and it was well, I mean, obviously sand, is totally real, but it was it was a very traumatic experience. 11:15:36 When when my daughter finally kind of found out, yeah, so 11:15:36 Did you get stuck in the chimney, dressed up, how tremendous traumatic was it 11:15:46 No, but I I side note. I love, the thought of yeah, like. 11:15:50 Corey said as as his son's an Adult sitting there waiting with it with his child thinking. I don't know Buddy. I don't know if you're gonna get presence, this year we got about 20 more minutes until we're gonna know for sure you know 11:16:05 Yeah 11:16:00 That involves me, and I gotta come rushing over to give yeah, to give President it's a good excuse not to buy presence feature. Kids. 11:16:12 Yeah, it's not my fault. 11:16:09 Because you can just say. Well, it's sorry, but son, doesn't care about that I mean, I don't know what to tell you. 11:16:17 Alright, so a couple of things in the chat here, from Dr. Somebody. 11:16:23 I apologize. I don't see your whole name here. 11:16:30 That's all you need. 11:16:26 Just Dr. D, is all I see, but from Dr. Dave, one gate, name, right there what do you call a pig with lavingitis? 11:16:34 Now, we don't have the answer here, either. So I don't know you call it I just makes you a calls the voice box. 11:16:51 Don't know. Please, Dr. And how it has a computer question already. 11:16:57 Hello, Howard! This disgruntled Very good. Thank you. 11:17:01 Yes, we're on top of 11:17:11 How it has a computer question. How do you export my chrome favorites to an HTML, file. 11:17:11 That is a very good question, and off the top of my head. 11:17:14 I have no clue. It is not easy. I think. They make exporting amount into it there's a whole big, long process Howard call me but here's the thing why do. 11:17:23 Well, Hmm okay, if you're just setting up a new computer, you don't need to cause you can just sign in your home profile. Yeah, and then you get all your favorites anyway, but yeah, but how it. 11:17:39 Hmm. 11:17:31 Says, I am I am making my stream Xp Fs Playlist accessible on the computer Vlc, media Player will only play them in the so whatever that means, thank you but anyway, with all that's being said let's, Talk, about some Assistive technology, from this year, oh, some also I Didn't. 11:17:50 Know maybe you wanted and maybe you don't. I don't know. 11:17:52 But I notice you have a new series on your channel, about working professionals, and I believe there's 3 episodes up at the Moment I don't know if you wanted to take a minute to talk about that sewers and what's going on with that 11:18:03 Sure. Yeah, so it's it Kind of was spawned out of the the fact that I over the years I've gotten that question. 11:18:11 So many times I'm sure you guys have as well, people asking what what kind of jobs can blind people do? 11:18:22 Hmm. 11:18:16 It kind of is oftentimes goes hand in hand with what kind of what classes should blind people take in college, and my my response, is always I don't know what do you want to do do that? 11:18:27 That's what you want to do, do, that you know it's like it's more. 11:18:30 It's easier for me to tell you how many jobs we can't do. 11:18:26 Yeah yeah 11:18:32 You know I can. I can list that list, but I can't list what we can do, 11:18:40 Hmm. 11:18:45 Yeah. No. 11:18:51 Wow! 11:18:37 And so in an effort to help inspire people and and teach people about What's available to them, possibly potentially, I decided to do this, series in December, where every other Day in the December I am putting out a new interview with some really cool Vip in the community and talk about what 11:18:57 They do and some general questions about accommodations. You know how long they've been doing it that sort of thing. 11:19:05 Just to once again, hopefully, get the information out there, or what is possible and yes, we've been we've got a couple of episodes. Up. 11:19:13 So far it based on the response. It's been very very popular. 11:19:16 Right. 11:19:17 I'm sure we will continue this. Maybe every descendants or something will do the series Cory. 11:19:23 I'm probably gonna be reaching out to you, sir, for an interview 11:19:25 Oh, cool! Love to yeah, that's a that's a really cool thing to do. Some. 11:19:29 So yeah, kudos for you know, coming up with that idea and also, it sounds like it. 11:19:33 Must have been a lot of work. Because if you're releasing one every other day I mean that's a hell of a lot of interviews. 11:19:37 That, so, yeah. 11:19:38 It it is, it is yeah, luckily, you know, interviews are easier to Edit. 11:19:43 So we can. I can I can knock those out pretty quick. 11:19:43 That's true. Sure. Yeah. 11:19:46 But I have to in case she sees this in the future, I do have to give full credit. 11:19:51 To my wife this was her idea. She keeps reminding me to tell people that because I haven't yet. 11:19:52 Oh! Nice! 11:19:55 But yes, thank you, Rachel. She's the one that came up with the idea 11:19:59 Yeah, or, credit, like, but it's true. And I if people want to hear from your wife, then they can listen to your monthly live stream, remind me what the name of that is against some thank you. 11:20:12 Yes, yes, yes. 11:20:15 Yeah 11:20:25 Yeah 11:20:09 Yeah it's talk, back with the blind. Life. It's our video, podcast, that, we, do every every month, where we we kind of answer, Comments, for frequently asked, com are frequently, asked, questions, and comments, from the previous months videos, and then just we end up, just you know, laughing having a great time 11:20:29 And and we've been doing that now for a year and a half. 11:20:32 Yeah 11:20:31 Oh! Wow! That's awesome, and I believe I believe your wife is off camera. 11:20:36 But people can hear her talking. Is that correct? Yeah, okay, okay, well, that's really great. 11:20:44 So, some cool stuff going on with your channel, and obviously you had. 11:20:47 Oh, also for people who don't know and I think everybody probably, will. 11:20:38 Yeah, she's shy, she correct. 11:20:51 But I did put your channel into the chat there, as well, so it should just be Youtube com forward, slash the blind life is that the correct URL, yeah, so everybody you know if you're not aware of you haven't been there definitely, go and check out sam's, channel and you have a whole new Year's, worth 11:21:07 Of Content, this year as do we also, and so, yeah, so we're gonna talk about some of the things that we have had a chance to look at this year, some, new things, or it doesn't. 11:21:18 Necessarily have to be things that release this year. But maybe just something that you, you know, checked out for the first time this year as well and we're gonna give our thoughts about those things and if anybody, in the chat saw any assistive, technology, this year or you know any consumer, technology really just anything that they 11:21:33 Checked out for the first time this year, and thought was cool, then feel free to also put that in the Chat as Well, but in the Meantime let's get started so I have a list on my phone here of things that we came up with and the first thing on the list is the 11:21:48 Arcs vision glasses. So that seems like a good place to start there, because I know some that that you saw the Arcs vision as well right? 11:21:56 Because you have a you have a video, on the arts vision is that correct? 11:22:00 No, I don't have a video. I I did an evaluation, though this year with them. 11:22:00 Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. 11:22:05 And so, i, I have seen it. It's it's actually sitting on a shelf over here somewhere. 11:22:10 But haven haven't officially made a video. You 11:22:08 Oh, cool, awesome. Okay. Fair. Enough. So we did. Do. A video that released. 11:22:14 Well, Couple of Months yeah, okay, so we did a, video that released a month ago, now, these guys, I actually did have the opportunity to meet with them a few years. 11:22:26 Ago, when I was still working at the Chicago lighthouse at the time their device was called the Horace and it was coming out of Italy. 11:22:33 They came, and showed it to me. There, and it wasn't particularly great at the time. 11:22:40 Things change, and everything. And now they have the arcs, vision and so Corey and I looked at it and yeah, if you want to see you know, just all of the different Features. 11:22:51 And stuff. Then you could go check out our video. And I think it's fair to say, that we felt like had some strengths and some yeah, I think for those you know, who hadn't had a chance, to check out, our video basically it is a Bone Conduction, Pair of headphones, with a camera built 11:23:04 In Wire connecting directly into your android, smartphone only android smartphone. And then it gives you very similar features that you might see like in seeing AI, or envision AI app where you get short, text full document, reading facial recognition seen Description, things like that 11:23:23 I think it's a good start. I I I personally wouldn't purchase one just yet I think you know the there was some definite some things that are holding it bad. 11:23:37 Things didn't work quite public well, that in a combination of there are there are there are alternative ways to do the same thing, for much less expensive. 11:23:48 If you already have the android phone, then you have access to envision AI for free. 11:23:52 Now where you can do short text, you can do full document, you can do facial recognition. 11:23:57 So we're gonna look out. As well, exactly so then, at this point, really, what the arts vision, is providing is doing at hands-free. 11:24:05 Now we did, say, like when the be my eyes and Ira integration roles in that will be a bit of a Pl in its category. 11:24:14 Because now you're getting hands free camera with those cited assistant, apps. 11:24:17 But at this point, I think there's Cheaper and Honestly better ways to do some of that stuff. 11:24:22 Yeah, but there's potential. I'm pricewise, I think we were looking at what? 11:24:25 1,599, so you're still talk I mean you're under 1,500, but still, a lot of for an 80 device. 11:24:33 It's cheap, but you know, just as a general purchase. 11:24:35 It's still, you know, fairly expensive, and it does have to connect to your own android phone. 11:24:39 How was your experience with it, Sam? I'm curious. What were your thoughts 11:24:43 So yeah, very similar to what you guys have said You know, I I like certain things about it. 11:24:49 I like the user, interface. I like all the little sound queues, very melodic. 11:24:54 Yeah yeah 11:24:55 Sam queues that they have. I liked. How you could just you know swipe back and forth to each feature, or using the buttons. 11:25:08 That's what I was gonna say 11:25:17 Call me, feels exactly the same 11:25:05 I like I liked certain aspects of the Hardware the very big tactile buttons, those were great the Bone Conducting Headphones, I've never been a big Fan of Bone Conducting Headphones, yeah, They Just the Vibration in my Head It's, It's Annoying 11:25:36 Yeah yeah 11:25:23 And then and you know, Corey could probably relate being visually impaired, we rely so much on hearing that you know at first first glance, you would think that being able to keep your ears open would be a benefit but it's really hard for me to focus on the headphones, when i'm hearing 11:25:42 Yeah 11:25:41 Everything else around me, but and then the other thing with the hardware, which may only be because I have a giant head is that it just wasn't Comfortable. 11:25:52 It wasn't big enough for me. 11:25:52 Oh, we have the same problem with yeah, that was our video. Same thing. 11:25:56 Yeah 11:25:58 I I have never had a in those specifically, I've used some of the aftershocks, ones, and they they were better, but these any any of those that have that that firm plastic around. The back of the yeah, exactly so 11:26:10 Right yeah, yeah, yeah, and then the the camera module unit was a little heavy, so kind of weighed down on that one side, and then the main issue. 11:26:21 I had with it was that my app was crashing left and right. 11:26:24 Oh, Jason! 11:26:25 Yeah, just all so many times during my testing and you know, they said, that that that's obviously fi fixable and updates, and all of that, but 11:26:36 You know. I told them. Well, That's that's 11:26:36 And they must have fixed that, Sam, because we don't I, don't think we got a single crash. 11:26:42 Oh! 11:26:43 Maybe we I don't ever recall thinking to myself, managing crashing a lot. 11:26:50 So so it sounds like maybe they did address that 11:26:50 Yeah, it was almost, maybe it was it was almost unusable. 11:26:53 Hmm, okay. Oh, wow! That's that's not good. 11:26:54 When I was testing it. Yeah, yeah. 11:26:56 Yeah, so yeah, we didn't have that problem. So I think they have fixed that aspect, at least, I think our main issue. 11:27:01 With it was that like, temperature Oh, yeah, that's a good point. I just get kind of warm to be more in the head 11:27:11 So that was definitely one issue for any length of time. Yeah, it's got a sunburn on the right side of my yeah. Yeah. 11:27:16 Yeah 11:27:17 But then, other, than that, like the Ocr I actually thought, was fairly decent and I liked the way. 11:27:22 It gave instructions for positioning the text. I thought all of that Stuff worked quite well, but the other features really in like, they weren't very very great like for example, we did Object Identification we are trying to locate chairs having a lot, of problem doing it it it's not it's you would never do it 11:27:39 Because it's just so much effort. You know, and it just doesn't work properly. 11:27:43 And that's the conversation we've had before, like first of all and I for the for the Arcs vision like these limations are less about the the device itself, and Just, where that Object and Scene description is you know it's, not the Capabilities, of AI is but 11:28:02 There's also the piece of and we see we did this in our video, where like you know you use the facial recognition, and it takes you know the arcs, vision especially took you know A. 11:28:11 Good, minute and a half for it. To say Luke where I could just pop my head and go look in. 11:28:15 Here yep. Okay, thank you overhill, and that's somewhat, too. 11:28:16 Yeah 11:28:19 Or a way. We talk is like what is what's the realistic use case of some of these things, where sure when you read it on paper, it sounds cool. 11:28:27 Yeah, and then, you try it, and it sounds cool. But then you're like, boy in real, life, yeah, so yeah, it's you know, it's not a bad device. 11:28:36 I. Think it has. Potential. But it's you know. It's not. 11:28:41 It's not amazing, the cool, thing about that device in any other device, even some of the apps, that are cell phone, based they're the Hardware itself, is just the camera, I mean all of the brains is in software, so that arcs vision I mean, with software software updates it's gonna continue to 11:29:00 Get better and Better and Better and Better and we had some 2 cameras, yes, and at some point you know we're gonna be talking about how great these devices are to walk into a room and know everything that's going on so we're just not there, yeah, yeah, there's a challenge with the 11:29:15 Speed, of recognition and the usefulness of recognition, and being able to tell you how far away old things are, and give you usable directions to get to them stuff like that yeah, also, false false parts of the description. 11:29:25 Yeah, so there's a lot of a lot of room fall improvement in general, with that side of things, but you know, if you want awareable Ocr Device, and you have an android, phone, and the all Cam is out of price range then you know it's it's out there and the 11:29:45 Ocr stuff is at least decent out. So Sam, I'm just curious. 11:29:48 This is a product, that's not well, maybe it is on our list of and maybe it's a good transition. 11:29:53 But how would you I have not had a yet a chance to test the envision, AI glasses, how would you compare envision AI's glasses to like the arcs? 11:30:03 Vision, when we look at like short text and full document, reading how how would you say they compare to to each other. 11:30:24 Sure Joe. 11:30:30 Okay. 11:30:10 Well, I. I preface by saying it's it's been quite a while since I tested the the glasses and then also once again, I can only go by what my experience with were was with the Arcs vision so I would say envision outperformed it all around just because it 11:30:33 Hey! 11:30:32 Wasn't crashing on me, you know I I did have some issues with with some of the the Features on Envision as well I think they've updated it quite a bit since I had a chance. 11:30:43 To test it, out. So I think they fixed a lot of those issues. 11:30:48 But just comparing the 2, my experiences with the 2 I would say, envision was better 11:30:51 Okay, nice, how much does the envision cost some? Do you know to top your 11:30:56 I think it's around the same as the other. 11:30:58 Where was like, 2,500, something around, there. Yeah. 11:31:01 Okay, and everything's built in with those ones. Right. We're not connecting to an external phone, or anything like that 11:31:06 Correct yeah, it's it's using Google's Glass, Google, glass Headset, goggle. 11:31:13 Yeah, yeah. 11:31:13 Whatever you want to call them. little bit of a drawback. It's since it's a fixed unit. 11:31:19 Hmm. 11:31:18 It's only on the right side. So if you're a left hander, you're gonna have to get used to using your right. Hand 11:31:25 It's 11:31:32 Oh! 11:31:37 Oh, yeah. 11:31:23 Cool. You know it. It's funny that you mentioned that I was actually just on the website, looking it up and some of the Photos that they show have it on the left side, but they must have reversed the images then because all they've changed the design at least one Google Glass, maybe are Reversible or I mean, I 11:31:43 Yeah 11:31:52 Oh, yeah. 11:31:42 don't know how many versions how many they put out it. Looks like this one's taken into a mirror, but it's not immediately clear that that's the case you may or may not. Be. Able. To use it if you elect, them I don't 11:31:57 Yeah yeah 11:31:57 think you could put it on your left. It looks like this is a mirror 11:32:03 It was fairly easy it was yeah, I didn't. 11:32:19 Yeah 11:32:06 I didn't have any problems I didn't have any any you know, negative experience with that it seemed pretty easy to operate, couple of the Features of the Modes were not Offline you had to be connected to Internet at the time. 11:32:21 That I re, I reviewed it even the envision ally, calling an ally you had to be on Internet, so I I actually I was like you know, I told my daughter, like okay, I'm gonna go walk about 3 blocks, out in our neighborhood, and then, I'm, gonna return. 11:32:37 Right. 11:32:38 Recording myself, i'm gonna call you and you're gonna be my envision ally and you're gonna help me like read a sign or something. 11:32:41 Sure, so, yeah. 11:32:43 And I walk all the way out there, carrying my camera on, my tripod and all this stuff. I get all set up. And then I go to caller and it says, you know you must be connected to Internet, what how useful, is that gonna be 11:32:52 Oh, Jeeze is. Yeah, right is there a way to like hotspot to your phone do you think, or is it just I'm just thinking, you know how so it just straight dustin. 11:33:01 No. No. Yeah. Yeah. And there was there was some, other, there's like a scene recognition. 11:33:09 I forget exactly which ones. There were few others that also needed to be connected to Wi-fi. 11:33:14 Yeah 11:33:15 And I even said that in the video I said, If I could use a hot spot on my phone. 11:33:28 Yeah, sure yeah, yeah. 11:33:18 That would maybe be good. I mean the the at the Glasses are connected, to the envision app anyways, I didn't see I couldn't understand why I couldn't use the mobile data on my phone to Make the call but I think that is one of the things they have fixed since then 11:33:35 Yeah 11:33:33 You would sure. Hope. So. Yeah, well, that's cool spat, Lana here does. 11:33:41 Confirm, that you can use a hotspot with them. 11:33:43 Okay. 11:33:44 Now and also, that they have Ira, on envision, already. 11:33:48 So that's really nice. I want to get a parent. 11:33:50 I think they'd be worth yeah, we can check them out and then also, there are voice commands available for operation. 11:33:55 As also thank you, spotlana for that. So yeah, with the Iris service. 11:34:00 I mean, that's definitely a nice, thing, considering Iva don't have their own glasses anymore. 11:34:05 So I would like to see these companies who are in that are integrating Iraq to make sure they're integrating b my eyes as well I think more options the better especially with Iran just recently changing it's, no longer 5 min, once a Day now, it's, 5 min, every 48 11:34:25 Yeah yeah 2 days. Yeah. 11:34:24 hours, It's 48 h. Yeah, I think it's 48, h they're. Now changing some of that which you know i'll be honest makes me a little nervous, about Longevity, although I will also. 11:34:37 Be honest, and say Ira has been long around longer than I thought they would. 11:34:40 Yeah, be just from the I love the service. And I think it's it's one of a kind and terrific. 11:34:46 But I just think the model is really tough. I mean, you can see why they're making it every 48 h. 11:34:51 Because obviously they need to make, money, right, exactly. I mean it makes sense. but yeah, it's it's tough. 11:34:58 Relying on that. You know once a day 5 min, call or whatever but I do, so I like to see be my eyes getting also getting included in most of these and I think they are by the way, as we talk about things, if anybody. Doesn't know what something. 11:35:09 Is and needs us to elaborate. Then just let us know in the chat, because sometimes we're going to throw out names, or whatever that's that you might not be aware of alright, just watch our video let's break it up a little bit here, I do have another. 11:35:29 We have a bunch of horrible devices. I think I mean it kind of makes sense, because wherevables are. 11:35:32 You know one of the more devastating areas in the low assistive technology. I think I think you would agree. 11:35:38 Sam. That there's still a lot of room for improvement with a lot of these wearable devices. 11:35:42 Oh, absolutely! Absolutely! 11:35:43 Yeah, yeah, so I think it's gonna continue to be one of the developing areas, but let's break it up. 11:35:48 A little bit from talking about whereverable devices and let's talk about the extremely exciting iphone, 14, and Ios 16, I will say that I think the one thing that made me the most excited this year. 11:36:04 Yes, was a single feature of the iphone. 14. Okay, any guess on what you think that might be what is the most exciting single feature of the iphone 14. 11:36:17 I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not 11:36:16 For all of 2,023 by the phone itself. 11:36:22 You're saying, Yeah, yeah, this tells you how much I think 22 is sort of sleeper. 11:36:31 For I think that this one feature was like the best thing that happened to blind people. 11:36:34 I know. I think some's an ongoing user. 11:36:36 So, this. Oh, okay. Fair enough. 11:36:36 Well, no, no. I'm I'm both I so I'm kind of trying. To think of what like Hardware Wise it has on it that would be different 11:36:46 It is something that is only available on the on the 14. 11:36:50 But yeah, I believe I'm almost so. It is but it, seemed. And so it is. 11:36:55 Actually, yeah, because it is actually hardware, basically it seems weird, that it is hardware. 11:36:58 Based, yeah, it's it's the Startup and shutdown sound. 11:37:01 Oh! 11:37:02 That you can consider that I know. I tell I'm telling you. 11:37:06 It's so, it's such a dumb feature, but no, it makes such a huge difference. 11:37:11 Why, we made it to 2,022, before having a startup and shutdown sound on the iphone, , for those who aren't aware if you have had an iphone any any other Iphone, other than the Iphone 14. 11:37:24 When you turn it on or off, that, like you basically you know, do the turn on or turn off action. 11:37:32 But you don't know if it's actually working or not, because it doesn't make any noise to indicate until like let's say that you're using voice over if you turn it on eventually voice over, talk but it takes a while for that to actually happen but now when you turn on the phone so you hold down the 11:37:46 Power, Button, or whatever and you actually get a little chime to let you know that it's turned and it's specific to the iphone 14 because that chime is hardware, yeah, which is crazy because it's doing it before yeah, exactly so it makes sense. 11:38:01 So it, will 11:38:08 That's so silly to me, so if 11:38:00 Why it is yeah, but I, basically that they basically have a little bell inside the phone that that somebody rings when it's turning on it is I mean, it's, it's it is very silly and and and I think, turning off the phone, was never it was that was less yeah, but 11:38:17 I found for myself, I've many times had I have a just enough vision where I can tell if something's on the screen, I've many times had to look to see that it was booting up and you see really people got real nervous when they were up. 11:38:30 Updating, their phones, and got to be restarting. 11:38:34 You just never know for sure. Yeah, it was coming on or not. 11:38:37 And why it? Why it took apple that long and again, it's such a it it is such a dumb feature to say it's but it's one of the more so helpful I don't want to say exciting things. 11:38:48 What else? One of the better things in 2022, while you were one team, was garb who was boring 11:38:49 I will also point out that that I will point out that the Android users have had that for like a decade now 11:38:55 Yeah, I'm pretty sure. The first Android phone had that 11:39:01 Yeah, cause. It's the kernel. When the Kernel boots up, when the kernel boots up before the OS, starts it plays the sign up yeah. 11:39:04 Yeah, yeah, okay, that makes sense, that makes a little sense. Yeah, there's no fight. 11:39:09 And that was that was an absolute winfrey, I mean, I feel like screen me to uses now it's not so much of an issue on PC these days because with solid-state, drives, the OS, Loads, real quick anyway, but Yeah, if You're, a Jaws. 11:39:21 User and you turn on the computer before Jaw speaks. It's the same issue. 11:39:24 Yeah 11:39:24 Oh, here's here you can hear the fan at least. 11:39:27 I'm not a lot of the new hard, not on a lot of the New Laptops. 11:39:30 This the Ssds are they're obviously silent and most that's a bands aren't coming on I Work with clients that they can't tell. 11:39:38 If it's booting up yes, that's an issue, too. 11:39:41 So, yeah, so I mean, traditionally, when you turn on a computer, you would hear, the fan kicking. 11:39:45 So even if you hadn't heard your screen reader, at least you'd know that it was on. 11:39:49 But yeah, no, you're totally right. Now, you can't hear the Hard drive spinning up anymore. 11:39:53 And it's you know it's it's one of those things. 11:39:56 It's like that would be so easy to implement because you could just put it into the Bios of the computer, that Would Trigger as soon as you hit the power Button 11:40:05 Yeah 11:39:53 Yeah yeah yeah, it has no problem making those error, beeps. Whenever there's a problem, you know, memory issue, or whatever they could do something for us, all right, Bill, if you're listening let's get it saw it in windows. 11:40:14 Oh, you know he's he's watching 11:40:13 12. Your bill is doesn't care, and is not all if you're in the Chat, there's probably a bill watching watching is going to be really confused. 11:40:25 Yeah, but yeah, so, I mean, Sam, did you have you had a chance to use the iphone 14, and if so any thoughts about 11:40:36 No, I haven't had a chance. I'm I'm still way. Back on the the 12 pro Max, I am 11:40:40 Okay. Well, just so, you know, Sam, you have used the Iphone. 14. 11:40:44 That's what I was thinking like, I I didn't. I didn't. 11:40:44 Then, yeah, that. 11:40:49 Think there was anything, that much different the but I am on fully up to date on 16 and everything and and Everything's going well, so far anyway. 11:40:55 Let's talk about that in a second. But yeah, I just wanted to say to people just to make it clear, that basically, the way, that corey, and I and also apparently, some feel, about the iphones, is that it's, just so boring these days when they release a new phone, because the features, that they 11:41:13 are to feature, that you're very unlikely to even use or care about and so I mean, I'm using an iphone 8 and whatever I don't care is fine so well, apart, from the fact that actually I dropped it. 11:41:30 The minor problem, right 11:41:25 And now that microphone doesn't work so when people call they can't hear me and they still haven't got new, phone why are people even calling you as well, but yeah, I mean, I mean, there's nothing. 11:41:54 Yeah 11:41:39 I apart from the turning on and turning off, it's not iphone, specific i android phones, E the new Pixels, the Galaxies, they're, They're all most of the time, are always Faster Process, or better camera, yeah the only ones, that are somewhat interesting in the android State. 11:41:58 environment is like the flip or folding phones. 11:42:01 I mean that those are different. They're unique, something's different. 11:42:06 Yeah, you could. Argue it's just gimmicky, though you know. 11:42:10 Yeah 11:42:04 There, but other than that it's you know. Better screen better camera, yes, exactly well, and yeah, yeah, and the costs are just astronomical, but apparently, a lot of people are still willing to pay there's, always a lot, yeah, as long as they're, willing to pay then, apple, and anybody. Else. 11:42:22 To just keep on pumping out this stuff, are you putting up your hand, cuz, you're willing to pay no, no, no, we just have a note from Spencer Peterson on Youtube saying that could be turned down Sam's Audio just to touch because we've done on Sums and I 11:42:38 Believe well, then we can turn us up. It's just a voice. 11:42:39 I just turned it down. One click does that any better 11:42:40 Okay, so, i'm, just turn it on one. Click. So I guess we'll see how that goes. 11:42:45 Okay. Quick. Question in the Chat here from Diane, Diane asks, do we have a video with instructions on how to use the iphone for Amd, people, Diane, we do on our Youtube, channel, we have a playlist and in that playlist, there are a few videos regarding 11:43:01 Iphone accessibility. And those would be the ones that you'd want to check out. 11:43:05 Because those are going to cover all of the accessibility options that will be relevant to you know to Amd. 11:43:11 So I am putting in the chat here a link to our Youtube, channel. 11:43:17 If you need further Assistance with accessing that Stuff, then you can send us an email and I'll help you. 11:43:24 I'll send you some direct links to the playlist what's, our email. 11:43:26 Just to forget is it is check. Connect. Thank you. Yes, at Vision Dashboard, done thank you very much. 11:43:33 If I can spell that would be wonderful Alright, there we go, cool. 11:43:39 So yes, Diane if if you aren't able to find the playlist on our Youtube channel, then just get in touch 11:43:46 Okay, so Ios, 16, okay, it's the sixteenth, Ios and as you might as well, just some spectacular new features Corey, including the ability to Delete and Edit, I. 11:44:03 Messages. That's why we did a video on that didn't, we did. Yeah. 11:44:05 So now, we do have a video on our Youtube channel, about some of these features. 11:44:09 So. Yes, we can we have how long is it? 4 min, 6 min, 10 s. 11:44:17 Is that actually correct according to John man, who produced the video exactly. 11:44:24 He's wait. Is that the length of the video, or how long we have to get rid of a message. 11:44:28 Now no, no, that's the link. Oh, okay. Okay. 11:44:34 So with Ios, 16, we have 2 min in which we can erase a message that we sent to other iphone what those 2 min in which we can erase, a message, that we sent to other Iphone users, now they will see that we've erased the message but they won't know what the message 11:44:53 said so that could be handy. We all can also unseen. 11:44:57 An email. I think we only have like, a 20, s, one, yeah, it's short short amount of time to unseen an email. 11:45:04 So if we accidentally send an email and then regret it instantly whether we can undo that. 11:45:21 Yeah, you'd be surprised 11:45:08 We also have let's see, we also have the automatic punctuation, while we're dictating oh, that's a great yeah, actually does work. Although now, we've all been trained, well, you say that call me but i mean, people who who have been using dictation, well, you say, that call 11:45:27 Me there's a lot of people. I think I'm out there who just dictate still without thinking about punishment and the also punctuation, works surprisingly. 11:45:35 Well, I did do pretty good. Yeah, so that was a nice feature door to detection, and in the magnifier door purse Image is pretty good. Yeah. 11:45:46 So those are some of the other things that we Covid, in our video, some of you had a chance to try. Ios 16, I, think you said you're fully updated, didn't you so what do you think about that 11:46:02 Sean yep. 11:46:06 As right. Yeah, that's right yeah, yeah. Well, that's the thing. 11:45:54 Yeah, no, I have. I haven't really had a time to dive into it other than the things that everybody's kind of reporting on. You know how you can take backgrounds out of pictures and then drag it right into a message and all this kinda cool stuff that i'll never use 11:46:14 Yeah 11:46:11 Yeah that that demo is great, but then nobody actually uses them. 11:46:17 Well, yeah, I mean, that background thing though that you refer to some, is pretty amazing. 11:46:20 Well, I have to say I haven't tried it for myself, but I've seen other people try it on videos. 11:46:24 And you can literally like, if you have taken a photo of something, and Let's say there's an object in the photo, and you just want that object from the photo, you can hold your finger down on it I believe is how it works and you can literally extract just the object from the Photo and 11:46:39 then you like you say you can use it in other things. 11:46:40 You can message it to people or things like that and it works seems to work amazingly. 11:46:48 Yeah 11:46:44 Well, so, but not necessarily relevant to you know vision, impairment, or like that one thing you can do, though as well as you can customize the home screen, and that includes changing the clock so you can change the clocks, kind of font style and color or the lax screen yeah, yeah, so is that something 11:47:02 You experimented with some at all, or not really 11:47:03 I have. Yeah, I played around with the lock screen thing just trying to see. 11:47:06 What how big I can make the clock cause. I'm always trying to make it bigger. 11:47:08 Yeah, exactly, yeah, totally, yeah, did you did you my shoe? Get it to a good size, or. 11:47:13 It's not bad. They have a couple, but I wish they would have just a like a solid bul. 11:47:21 Yeah 11:47:22 Text, clock, without a date. I don't care about the data. 11:47:23 Sure, yeah, yeah, yeah. 11:47:25 I already know the date. I just want the clock and as big as I wanted 11:47:28 Yeah, I totally agree with you, I think on Android there's some better choices to that is that fair to say 11:47:37 Right. Of, course, yeah, yeah. 11:47:33 Yeah, but but there's also a tons of like lock screen replacement apps. You can get and things like that so you just have much more, customizable options on android 11:47:41 Yeah that's the whole thing with android is. You just have. 11:47:44 It's it's a lot less locked down. 11:47:47 Yeah 11:47:45 So you do end up with some more customizable options, including I mean the ability to download complete Kind of operating system, layers that will sit on top and just make the phone easy to Use big launcher, is one that's has been around for a while and you know if you are struggling, to use 11:48:01 Your phone. Because it's too complex, you can get something like big. Launcher, it Sits on top of what you would normally see, and it just has very large high contrast buttons. 11:48:11 And just for the basic features called in texting and things like that 11:48:12 Right. 11:48:14 So yeah, that that is definitely. Why I do, like, about Android okay, cool, do. We have anything else to say about Iowa, 16, if you have an iphone probably just upgrade because I think it's, okay, to upgrade, yeah, I don't see, any issue. 11:48:26 Upgrading at this, point, yeah, yeah, and it's it was pretty stable, pretty good with voice over at the gate. 11:48:33 I think actually, it was Yeah, I was surprised. It fixed a number of bugs that Didn't Introduce to too many which is surprising. 11:48:39 There's still a number of things there, there was I thought that you said. You wish you hadn't have updated, because there was some issue oh, that was just because I was using an Iphone. 8. 11:48:51 Well, it was okay. That was the lowest, the oldest phone. 11:48:53 That could update to Ios 16, and it was performance issues. 11:48:57 Yeah, but saying, that though since they updated, the update, so we're on version 16.2, yeah, actually the operation seems to be a lot. 11:49:07 Better. Now, so okay, yeah, you dropped your phone. Yeah, exactly, yeah, I slug, it's just throw your phone, or something. 11:49:16 You'll be final note on the Iphone just to clarify you have 2 min to totally delete, a message, 15 min to edit, excellent. 11:49:24 Okay. 2 min to delete and 15. To edit. 11:49:29 Yeah, we forgot to mention that we can also edit your messages. 11:49:31 So you don't have to just delete. So you can like if you text your boss, telling them that you're home for a party like I did in the yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah I I fired, you Yeah, and then, I Yeah, I just did. It I was like, I was very sick. 11:49:46 And that's, why, I was, yeah, okay, cool. so God, we're running out of time here already. 11:49:54 It's pretty unbelievable, time. Is it? 11:49:55 So we have 10 to and I know some has to. Shoot, so let's let's ask Sam before he has to to Boogie I'm curious what his fee I told you that the startup Sound on the Iphone, 14 was my favorite so the whole Gear, of everything, came out. 11:50:12 It's what he thinks of, yeah, yeah, I mean, I mean, look at that list tell me I'm wrong. 11:50:18 No, I mean I the like the Irish vision Inspire, the vision buddy, those are more low vision but I think for Linus, now there has been a lot of a lot, of other good Products, coming out yeah, I I think, the startup, sounds so I'm, just curious though Sam Lee, what what for you what's 11:50:41 a standout for 2022 11:50:45 Oh, well. We I saw at at Csun earlier, this year. 11:50:50 I saw the the dot, Pad I think, is what they're calling it 11:50:54 Okay, cool, how many lines are we talking about here. 11:50:58 Oh gosh, it was something like 16 by 16. 11:51:04 I think, yeah, and then they had a, they, had an even larger. 11:51:05 Wow. So, 16, so, okay, okay, yeah. 11:51:09 Something like that. Yeah, it was it was, around. Yeah. And then they had a larger one. 11:51:14 That was 32 by 32. 11:51:15 I think, is what it was. Yeah, it was it was insane. 11:51:15 Oh, wow. Oh, okay. Okay. That's cool. Oh, my God. 11:51:18 They could. Do, you know full pictures it? A ph was working on something called the graffiti. 11:51:24 Yeah 11:51:23 For a, while there, and it's similar to that, but 11:51:28 Yeah, that was kinda cool, they were demoing, that at Csun, I've got that in my csun coverage, video, 11:51:33 Let's just break that down. A second. For so for people who aren't aware this is a basically, a Braille Tablet device the issue with Braille devices, traditionally has been the number of cells, because the less cells you have then the less kind of reading you can do although that's 11:51:57 Yes. 11:51:46 not true my question on these 4, so that these full-page kind of multi-lying, yes, Braille Displays in the Skates 30, by 10, okay, explained it. Tell me if I'm not a every day Braille, User I Don't Use a Braille, Display Every Day, but 11:52:03 myas, my thought, a process on this is it's not so much that you would want one of the Multi-line Braille displays for reading because the Refreshable Moves pretty fast. 11:52:16 But it's real advantage is what you were just saying. 11:52:21 Yeah 11:52:18 I'm like Pictures map, that kind of stuff. Is that really where the biggest use case for multi-line displays are is that what we're thinking 11:52:28 I think so and I think it really for like education, for students, for 11:52:31 Yeah yeah yeah yeah 11:52:33 Well, this also has it's connected to it. They had to connect it to an ipad, and they had a a program. 11:52:46 Guys, super cool. Yeah, true. 11:52:40 Where you like it was like a drawing pad, and you could draw on the ipad with your finger, and it would translate over into the the cells. So that someone could follow along and then you know but yeah, put 11:52:52 You know how it do you remember like these those like these plastic boxes with mel Pins in and you could press things with your hand in it. 11:53:00 Yeah, yeah, that's what it kind of reminds, me of that. 11:52:58 Yeah yeah, yeah, exactly the same thing. Yeah, yeah, but they, I mean, they had. 11:53:03 Yeah yeah 11:53:04 Pictures, of of Logos. They were demoing like the Facebook Logo in on this tablet. 11:53:11 So so you know someone 11:53:13 I'm sorry I'm sorry. Don't don't come at me. 11:53:10 That's cool. I think you I think you might met some let's let's get right 11:53:17 Zuckerberg, yeah, yeah, so so if something is, has no idea what a you know you always hear Emoji smiling Emoji with heart eyes, and you have no. 11:53:28 Idea what that even means because you've never seen it. 11:53:26 Yeah, yeah yeah, yeah, totally. Yeah, yeah, that's interesting. I hadn't thought of that. 11:53:31 You could feel, yeah. 11:53:32 Yeah, yeah, that's really cool, yeah. And I know that dots, the their cell technology, is not The traditional. 11:53:38 Was it PA's? Are they normally use with the traditional it's, not they're not using the traditional cells, because the problem historically has been price, I mean you can make something. 11:53:47 With a lot, of cells. But price. Wise. It would be insane. 11:53:50 But whatever dot-sell technology is, then it's a lot cheaper to manufacture. 11:53:59 Yeah 11:53:55 I think so they can come out a better price, and they already have the they've had the watch out for a while, which is just like a four-sell watch and everything but they've been talking about this yeah, about their tablet, for quite a while but is, it is it commercially available do you know some or is 11:54:10 It, still in development. 11:54:11 It looks pretty commercially Available to me. I'm not, sure. 11:54:15 Yeah 11:54:13 Okay, cool. Awesome. Okay. Yeah, very. Cool carol. Says, music. 11:54:20 Oh, yeah. 11:54:20 As well could be yeah, the thing with I mean, the thing with that is that it depends, whether your instrument needs both hands, or not you know, like if you're playing trumpet you can't really we if you're not skillful, I guess if you're, not skillful. 11:54:49 I'm trying to think of an instrument that doesn't use. 11:54:51 Both hands. 11:54:43 The Braille, but I mean you can learn it. Though I guess you could learn it for for yeah, yeah, yeah, very cool, anything else well, yeah, yeah, I'm not sure there is one well, I mean deaf, leopard's drama. 11:54:58 Technically, that's one. Yeah. 11:54:56 Has one I don't know has one arm. Right? So then stop him. He also didn't need A Multi page Braille Display either. 11:55:04 You couldn't use it, anyway. 11:55:08 Well, no, but maybe it would help him. I don't know. I feel like even if he did. 11:55:12 Yeah 11:55:08 He still probably would have figured out cause he sounds like the kind of guy who just gets it done you know, I agree somewhat related note those needle-push. 11:55:16 Things are called threed clone pins, the sort of matrix things. 11:55:21 Okay, press a hand in it, scala a threed clone PIN. Okay. Great. 11:55:23 Look at Jonathan. He's on it, man 11:55:23 I never knew the name of those so there we go. Oh, call yeah, okay, cattle says, not necessarily for music, while, Playing, but for Composing, awesome. 11:55:31 Yeah, that's a. Very good. Point. Yeah, yeah, very, cool. 11:55:35 Yeah, so I wonder whether you could get a composition pro program on the computer, or the ipad, or something like, that. 11:55:40 And then output that out to the answer to the tablet. 11:55:44 Yeah 11:55:43 Well, something that someone was talking about that would be super helpful. 11:55:54 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, hmm yeah, hopefully, circuits. Yeah, yes, okay, yeah. 11:55:47 Is like in science, class, demonstrating, like the the different parts of the cell or a a electronic schematic, those are things that are hard to kind of describe, to a blind person yeah, so if they could actually, feel, it that would be so much more. 11:56:03 Geometry. Yeah, yeah. Okay. Lots of awesome, potential applications. 11:56:08 Some. I don't know. It's a 5 to I don't know if you have to jump off here. 11:56:12 I do guys. I appreciate it. I'm sorry I have to run 11:56:13 If so, okay, no, it's all good, thanks. So much for keep them wanting. 11:56:17 Yeah 11:56:17 More, it's a good check. Exactly. Yeah, there you go. 11:56:20 Cool. Well, yeah, we'll speak to you again, Sam. 11:56:22 And again, if anybody wants to visit Sam's Channel go to Youtube com forward, slash the blind life, I recommend doing it he's got some great content. 11:56:29 Bye, bye for now yeah, bye-bye, that's the That's the Exit. 11:56:42 Coy, we still have a bunch of stuff to talk about. 11:56:44 But suddenly we're out of time here. As well, so I'm wondering, because we are going to be here next thursday, and we will talk next 2 weeks. 11:56:49 So on the 20, s, yeah, we are actually going to be here. 11:56:52 And we didn't have a show scheduled. 11:56:53 I'm wondering whether we just do and just meeting let's talk about the rest of these I think, Let's do a Combination of Chatting, a little bit more of this. 11:57:00 But I'd also like to do like an ama. 11:57:02 You know, ask us any instead of Ama. It would be an aua ask us, anything. 11:57:07 Yeah, so you guys, for those that are going to join us on the 20 s, just bring your own questions. 11:57:14 We'll have our you know stuff. Here we'll answer. 11:57:17 What we know. We'll look up stuff. If we don't, yeah, but let's just do sort of like a open E for me, chatty questioning answer, talkie, hold math, ease a lot of a lot of these hopefully, we won't have any questions. 11:57:31 As difficult as the One, Posed by Howard, well, that's why, I said, we'd bring our computer, I think, any good at Trainer, yeah, we'll find things up will be the fun the pressure is can you find. 11:57:43 Something, out, live in a short timeframe sure okay. 11:57:48 Cool well, we'll put calls in 2 weeks. 11:57:53 Yeah, so yeah, come with the questions and we will also talk about any other assistive technology, that we saw this year, that so we didn't have a chance to talk about today sadly, Sam will not be joining us, next time, but hopefully corey, and I have enough pull ourselves. 11:58:04 We'll see how about percent percent percent percent percent percent percent percent percent percent 11:58:31 Thanks for joining us for another, tech, connect, live if you Enjoyed Corey and Luke's antics be sure to join us next time for all things tech connect go to vision Dashboard all Tech connect 11:58:55 Oh!
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