Vision forward's Tech Connect Live
Connecting You to the World of Assistive Technology
1 year ago

LVI Magnilink S | Tech connect Live!

Welcome to this the latest exciting installment of Vision Forward's Tech Connect! In this episode we will putting Low Vision International's Magnilink S through its paces. The Magnilink S is a foldable camera that can connect to a computer, or directly to a monitor over HDMI. Zoom in, change colors, use line markers, change brightness - even OCR a document and all this with the simplest controls. But that's just what the brochure says! What will happen when we put the Magnilink S through its paces live?

1 year ago

Microsoft Teams with a Screen Reader | Tech connect Live!

Microsoft Teams provides great tools for collaboration, including file sharing, video and voice calling, instant messaging and more. But how does it work if you are a screen reader user?

1 year ago

Apple Vision Pro: Is it the wearable we've all been waiting for?

Apple's Vision Pro has shaken the internet and its time for Vision Forward to give our thoughts on this exciting development in the field of wearable technology! Join us today as we examine the device's specs and assess its features from a low vision and blindness perspective.

1 year ago

Tech Connect Live! Cool Features in JAWS! Sharky, Flexible Web, Smart Glances

Welcome back everyone! Get ready to break out JAWS and dust of Sharky because its time to learn along with Luke and Cory as they showcase useful features which were released in recent years. This includes flexible web and smart glances which enable you to currate your experience by hiding navigational clutter and jumping straight to what is meant to grab a viewer's attention.

1 year ago

Tech Connect Live! How to use our new Online Learning Resource!

Earn ACVREP Credits: Academy for Certification of Vision Rehabilitation & Education Professionals

1 year ago

Tech Connect Live! Magnifier Extravaganza w/ Optelec 10 and Snow 12

Read with ease thanks to the Optelec 10 and Zoomax Snow 12! Which is best for you?

1 year ago

Tech Connect Live! How to use Voice Control to dictate in w/ Windows 11

Take control of your device with just a few shortcuts!

1 year ago

Tech Connect Live! How the Oko App helps you to cross the road safely w/ Michael Janssen

Oko is a free iOS app using your smartphone to identify and communicate information for pedestrian road crossing signs.

1 year ago

Scouting out CSUN 2023! | Tech Connect Live!

Cory and Luke bring you news of this year's cutting edge assistive technology from the annual expo in California.

1 year ago

Tech Connect Live! The Hable One smartphone input pad w/ Freek van Welsenis

Join us and learn all about the Hable One, a braille-style tech pad designed for low vision or blind smartphone users who want an alternative input device for their smartphone.